Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Teaching Olivia to read
Now I'll also be teaching her how to read. My dad and Step-mom ordered the "Your Baby Can Read" program ... it should be here in about a week, and I can't wait!
Watch this!
This is a clip of the Ellen Show with Graham, he learned to read using Your Baby Can Read!
Below is the infomercial cut into three parts (21 minutes and 7 seconds total). It's a little cheesy, as ALL infomercials are, but the program is incredible ... and proven!!!
Here are some home videos of other users:
For more information, go to their website:
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hey guys :
We've had a fun month!!
I voted for Obama ... Gracie did too, in school. It was so cute, she brought home a little booklet with facts about Obama and McCain. She said she voted for him because his favorite food
is tacos. She was excited to hear we voted for the same person.
We had to call Gracie out of school for 3 days because she had a bad cold.
having to stay inside and NOT playing with anyone, she was eager to get back to school.
On the 18th, Olivia cut her 3rd tooth,
Poppa Matt and Gran'ma Holly planned to go to Iowa to visit her family out there for Thanksgiving, so we had an early feast over at their house on the 23rd .. AND we got to house-sit and play with the dogs for four days.
and Duka, we had a blast! Even Olivia had fun, she bonded with Duka (by giggling when she gave Olivia kisses), and she LOVED the cats! She wouldn't really touch them too much, but she got
REALLY excited when she saw one and wanted to get real close, then just looked at me with wide eyes and a HUGE grin!
Olivia was 9 months on Thanksgiving.
So, we had Thanksgiving over at my Aunt Brenda's house with the rest of my mom's side of the family, the "kids" (even though we're all in our 20's now) played Guitar Hero in the basement.
Ahh, brings back memories of playing Knock Out on Nintendo in the basement of Becky's house on their big screen TV ... although, the boys never let ME play. (I am the 1st granddaughter,
so all the boys always picked on me
On Friday (11/28) I took the girls to the Christmas Parade here in Estes. They had hay rides, pony rides, and you could go see Santa - all FREE! It was pretty chilly all day (HI 38°F) so we didn't go until about 3:30pm. Gracie rode a pony, but said, " wasn't fun at all, maybe I'm too old for pony rides." We got some hot cocoa (free) and went to the hay ride, but they stopped at 4pm, so we went to see Santa ... as he was walking inside.
I told Gracie we'd see him another day!
We found a seat on the bleachers in the middle of all the action. The crowd sang Christmas songs until the parade of lights started. It was so cool! Every float (firetrucks included) were covered in lights! By the time we got to the car, it was 35°F and dropping fast. We drove home the back way to avoid the traffic and got home in less than 10 minutes, as opposed to over 45 minutes like during the 4th of July ... having only one main road into our town sux!
Next Entry will be after Christmas
Happy Holidays!
The Harmon Family
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
21 weeks preggo
There are 128 days until your due date on February 17, 2008.
You are 152 days pregnant.
You are 5 months pregnant.
You are in your 5th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
Your 1st trimester: May 13, 2007 to August 11, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: August 12, 2007 to November 24, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: November 25, 2007 to February 17, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)
Your baby's blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord system continues to grow and thicken as blood travels with considerable force through the body to nurture the baby. The placenta is now almost equal in size to the baby.
Your baby will be getting much larger during the second half of your pregnancy. Your baby's crown-to-rump length at this time is 7.2 inches and she weighs approximately 10.5 ounces. Your growing baby is about the size of a large banana. You should be able to feel your uterus about a half of an inch above your navel. Your weight gain so far will be around 10 to 15 pounds.
As your baby begins to lay down more fat, your weight will also increase. During the next 10 weeks, you will gain about half of the total gain for your entire pregnancy. Strangers can now tell that you are pregnant! You might notice an increase in appetite because you need 500 more calories a day to support your charged up metabolism. It is best to avoid processed foods or foods high in fat, calories or sugar. Some women also get strong cravings for foods. If you notice a craving for something unhealthy, you should contact your doctor. Cravings unusal things is known as pica. Some women crave cigarette ashes, charcoal, beer and other non-food items during this time.
Your baby's different organs and systems are maturing. The fetal digestive system is functioning in a simple way and your baby can swallow amniotic fluid. After your baby swallows the amniotic fluid, she is able to absorb water and sugars from the fluid and then the waste is passed as far as the large bowel. Your baby swallows the amniotic fluid in order to prepare itslef for life outside of the womb. Some babies consume as much as 17 ounces of amniotic fluid in a 24-hour period. Your baby already has a high number of red blood cells and the white blood cells are begining to be produced. Taste buds are being formed on your baby's tongue this week also.
Don't be surprised if your legs and feet become swollen throughout the day. You should try to get off of your feet some throughout the day and prop your legs up. If you notice a substantial amount of swelling, you should contact your healthcare provider for evaluation.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Olivia Monroe Harmon
I woke up with a little cramping that lasted about 20 seconds. Twenty minutes later, another, then another nineteen minutes after that. The felt like the worst menstrual cramps I've experienced in the past.
I woke up Preston and he knew just by looking at me that it was starting. We called my doctor's office, but waited to call anyone else in case it was false labor.
The nurse said to stay at home until my contractions are 5 minutes apart. I was surprized, I thought I could have my whole labor at the hospital, so I could get drugs :)
I layed on my bed, having contractions every 18, 15, 12, 10, then 7 minutes. The pain was like nothing I'd experienced before. Everything was squeezing between my hips, but centered at the bottom of my uterus. I could feel my cervix thinning... at least, that's what it felt like.
It hurt so much! I'm the kind of person that grins and bares the pain, but this was making me cry out in pain. I was trying to stay quiet so I didn't freak out Gracie. We talked to her a lot about what was going to happen, so she knew I was going to be in pain, but actually hearing me was different.
We called Shanna and Morgan to spread the word. My mom called, I talked to her for a couple seconds, until a contraction came on, then I just handed Preston the phone when my mom was in mid sentence. I NEVER interrupt people, so that was weird!
I called my nurse Kendra at 8am, she said to look for my water breaking (either a gush like when you have your period, or just a trickle, but lasting more than just a second), a bloody show (blood, obviously), or my contractions being only 5 minutes apart. None of that happened by 11am, but my contractions were so painful, I made Preston take me to the hospital, even though my contractions were only 7 minutes apart.
I had a contraction as I was walking out the door, then 3 more on the way to the hospital.... we only live 3.3 miles – about 8 mins - away. I was so happy once we got there.
They tried to get an IV started, but I hadn't eaten or drank anything since the day before, so my veins kept collapsing, they had to poke me 6 or 7 times.
My mom, sister, and brother showed up... I was so happy! My mom held my hand and coached my breathing, since I didn't take Lamaze (we were living with dad and I didn't have the freedom to just pick up and go to Estes whenever I needed, so I didn't even look into taking the class).
I started crying when my dad showed up, I needed him there! Holly, Shanna, Sheryl, Becky, and Brenda came too. It was nice to have them at my side!
They were all taking pictures, but I'm not smiling in most of them, my contractions were getting really bad! They gave me Fentanyl, put in a catheter, and started with the epidural. I had 5 or 6 contractions by the time he finally finished. But the whole process wasn't a big deal.
He cleaned off my back, put that "tape" that was like saran wrap, numbed the surface area (felt that needle of course), then I didn't feel anything until he was positioning the catheter up my spine - it felt like a shock down my left leg, but it startled me more than it hurt. I didn't look at anything, but afterward I saw the needle, it's not THAT big.
After that, the contractions felt like I really needed to pee... no pain. They gave me my own pain button to get more meds when I needed it. I was feelin' great!
I got up to 8cm dilated and 90% effaced when Dr. K decided to do a C-section. Olivia's umbilical cord was wrapped around her shoulder, causing her heart rate to fall too much during my contractions. I was calm and confident in Dr. K, so I didn't think anything could go wrong, but everyone else was freaking out a little.
They wheeled me to the OR and put me on the little table (I remembered from when I had my D and C in 2005, the table is tiny), but because by now I was numb from the chest down, they had to roll me to my side and put rollers on me to slide me over. I freaked out when they rolled me, I thought I was gonna fall and my arms flung out to the side and almost hit a nurse. It's a VERY weird feeling being limp and helpless and well over 150 lbs and having people pick you up :)
They put the sheet up in front of my face and after that, all I could see was Preston dressed in scrubs, filming everything behind the curtain. All I could feel was pressure somewhere around my belly button-ish.
They talked me through everything they were doing, then, during the most pressure, my baby girl was born.
Olivia Monroe Harmon
6 lbs even, 20 inches, born at 8:35pm on Wednesday, February 27th, 2008 :)
She didn't cry until they got her over to the little heating table. She let out a small cry and I lost it... that was MY baby :) They brought her over to see me for just a moment, she's so beautiful :)
Look at my albums for more pictures.
For all of them, go to:
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
About to pop
Little James Dean or Olivia Monroe is still hanging out at the Uterus Motel.
I went to the doctor today. Like he said a week ago, I'm still expected to go into labor at anytime!
If I don't give birth before my next appointment (Wednesday, March 5th), then at my appt. we'll pick an induction date.
I'm still only 1 cm dilated and the baby is in the right position (head down), but I haven't dropped yet.
For those who don't know, dropping is when the baby lowers in the bottom of the pelvis, ready for delivery. According to the Mayo Clinic "all knowing" book (awesome book), in first pregnancies, this usually happens 2-4 weeks before labor... but obviously NOT in my case :)
There are -9 days until your due date on February 17, 2008.
You are 289 days pregnant.
You are 9.5 months pregnant.
You are in your 10th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
If your labor is induced, there are a number of ways this can be done:
1 - breaking your waters - puncturing the amniotic sac, which means your waters leak out. This can often stimulate contractions. This procedure is sometimes known as ARM, for Artificial Rupture of the Membranes, or amniotomy;
2 - giving you a pessary ( l suppository) of hormone gel, which delivers labor-inducing hormones to the cervix; or
3 - giving you a drip of oxytocin which puts the hormone directly into your bloodstream to stimulate labor.
Induced labor can sometimes mean your contractions come on quickly and intensively, and this may make it harder to cope with. So when deciding whether this option is for you, you may want to take this into account. You may end up needing more pain relief as a result.
A baby that's gone more than a week or so over the 'official' due date may have dryer skin which tends to flake. This is because the vernix that would normally cover the skin has stopped being produced.
`Up to 10% of pregnancies are not delivered by 42 weeks...[and only a small number of pregnancies that go past 42 weeks have problems. In fact, about 95% of postterm babies are born without problems.` --American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG, 2005)
Why would I need an induction?
Your health care provider may recommend inducing labor for various reasons — primarily when there's concern for your health or your baby's health. For example:
* You're one to two weeks beyond your due date, and labor hasn't started naturally.
* Your water has broken, but you're not having contractions.
* There's an infection in your uterus.
* Your baby has stopped growing at the expected pace.
* There's not enough amniotic fluid surrounding the baby.
* Your placenta has begun to deteriorate or separate from the wall of your uterus.
* You have a medical condition that may put you or your baby at risk, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
Rarely, inducing labor is a matter of practicality. If you live far from the hospital or you have a history of rapid deliveries, a scheduled induction may be best.
There's an important caveat, however. If you've had a prior C-section, you may not be a candidate for labor induction. After a prior C-section, inducing labor increases the risk of uterine rupture. This rare but serious complication — in which the uterus tears open along the scar line from a prior C-section — can cause life-threatening blood loss, infection and brain damage for the baby.
* Overdue pregnancy: What to do when baby's overdue
How should I prepare for the induction?
Before the induction, your health care provider may help prepare your cervix for labor.
If your cervix is beginning to thin and soften, your health care provider may gently separate the amniotic sac — which surrounds and protects your baby — from the rim of the cervix during a physical exam. This procedure, known as stripping the membranes, may encourage labor to begin on its own.
If your cervix isn't thinning or softening, your health care provider may use synthetic forms of prostaglandins — the natural chemicals that trigger contractions — to get things started. Sometimes, the medication is given the night before a scheduled induction. It may be applied as a gel to the cervix, inserted as a l suppository or tablet, or swallowed in pill form.
As another option, a small balloon-tipped catheter may be placed in your uterus. Water is injected through the catheter to expand the balloon. This irritates the uterus, causing it to soften and open your cervix somewhat. Another technique is to place small cylinders of dried laminaria, a type of seaweed, in the cervix. The cylinders draw in water and get thicker, which slightly dilates the cervix.
Your health care provider will tell you when to report to the hospital for the actual induction. You may be asked to avoid eating or drinking for several hours before your arrival.
What will happen during the induction?
If your amniotic sac is still intact, your health care provider may start by making a small tear in the sac with a thin plastic hook. You may feel a warm gush of fluid when the sac breaks open. The rupture will increase prostaglandin production, which typically leads to contractions.
In addition to triggering and often shortening labor, breaking your water gives your health care provider a look at your amniotic fluid. If it contains traces of fecal waste, your labor may be monitored more closely.
Medication is often used to provoke contractions as well. The most common choice is a synthetic version of oxytocin — a hormone your body produces at low levels throughout pregnancy and at higher levels during active labor. Oxytocin is given intravenously, through a catheter inserted into a vein in your arm or on the back of your hand. Your health care provider will use an infusion pump to control the dosage of medication you receive. The dosage may be adjusted throughout the induction to regulate the strength and frequency of your contractions.
How long will it take?
That's tough to predict. It depends on how your body responds to the medication. If your cervix needs time to ripen, the induction may take two to three days. If you simply need a little push, you may be holding your baby in your arms in a matter of hours. Induction typically takes longer for first-time moms and women who aren't full term.
Will it hurt?
The procedures to induce labor don't hurt. However, induced contractions typically become more regular and frequent from the beginning than do those of a naturally occurring labor. If relaxation and breathing techniques aren't enough to control the pain, ask for relief. Your health care provider may recommend narcotic analgesics, an epidural block or other options.
How will induction affect my baby?
Medications used to induce labor may cause strong contractions. Your health care provider will keep a careful eye on your baby's heart rate throughout the induction. If contractions are too frequent or last too long, the dosage will be decreased.
What if the induction doesn't work?
That depends. Rarely, an induction may be discontinued and attempted again in a few days. But once your water has broken, there's no turning back. If your health or your baby's health is at risk, a C-section may be needed.
What about recovery and future pregnancies?
The issues that led you to have an induction may require special care during recovery. Otherwise, you'll experience the same physical and emotional adjustments to life after pregnancy as you would with a natural labor. If you have a successful l delivery, there are no implications for future pregnancies. If the induction leads to a C-section, your health care provider can help you decide whether to attempt a l delivery with a subsequent baby or to schedule a repeat C-section.
Signs of labor: Know what to expect
Every woman's labor is unique. But understanding the typical signs of labor can help you know what to expect as your due date approaches.
On television, babies are often born with a rush of emotion and swift action. The mother doubles over from the pain of a single contraction, and the baby appears before the commercial break.
In reality, labor usually begins less dramatically.
No one knows for sure what triggers labor — and every woman's experience is unique. But understanding the typical signs of labor can help you know what to expect as your due date approaches.
Lightening: Adjusting the pressure
One of the first signs of labor may be a sensation that the baby is settling deeper into your pelvis. This is known as lightening.
The baby's new position may give your lungs more room to expand, making it easier to breathe. On the flip side, you may experience pelvic discomfort, and increased pressure on your bladder may send you to the bathroom more often.
For a first pregnancy, lightening may occur weeks or days before labor begins. For subsequent pregnancies, it may not happen ahead of time. For some women, the changes are obvious. Others may not notice a thing.
Effacement: Ripening of the cervix
Your cervix prepares for birth by softening and thinning, or effacing. You won't feel this sign of labor happening. Instead, your health care provider will check for signs of cervical change with l exams.
Effacement is often expressed in percentages. When you're 50 percent effaced, your cervix is half its original thickness. Your cervix must be 100 percent effaced, or completely thinned out, before a l delivery.
Dilation: Opening of the cervix
Your cervix will also begin to open, or dilate. Your health care provider will measure the dilation in centimeters from zero to 10.
At first, these cervical changes may be very slow. In fact, some women are dilated 2 to 3 centimeters for days or even weeks before labor actually begins. Your progress isn't a good indicator of when labor will begin, but rather a general sign that you're getting ready for labor. Once you're in active labor, expect to dilate more quickly.
Bloody show: Loss of mucus plug
During pregnancy, a thick plug of mucus blocks the cervical opening to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. When your cervix begins to thin and open, this plug may be discharged. You may notice stringy mucus or a thick discharge. It's typically brown and sometimes tinged with blood.
Losing the mucus plug is among the telltale signs of labor, but it's not a guarantee. Labor may still be a week or more away.
Nesting: Spurt of energy
You might wake up one morning feeling energetic, raring to attack dust bunnies under the couch, set up the crib and arrange your baby's outfits according to color. This urge to clean and organize is commonly known as nesting. No one knows for sure, but it may be a primal instinct that hearkens back to a time when physical preparation was necessary for a safer childbirth.
Nesting may begin months before your due date, but the instinct is usually strongest just before delivery. Do what you must, but don't wear yourself out. Save your energy for the harder work of labor ahead.
Rupture of membranes: Your water breaks
The amniotic sac is a fluid-filled membrane that cushions your baby in the uterus. Sometimes the sac leaks or breaks before labor begins. If this happens, you may notice a trickle of fluid or a more obvious gush.
If your water breaks at home — or if you're uncertain whether the fluid is amniotic fluid, urine or something else — consult your health care provider right away. He or she will evaluate you and your baby to determine the next steps.
If the amniotic sac is no longer intact, timing becomes important. The longer the membranes are ruptured, the greater the risk of developing an infection. If labor doesn't begin on its own, your health care provider may need to induce your labor.
In the meantime, don't do anything that could introduce bacteria into your . Sex isn't a good idea if you think you might be leaking amniotic fluid.
Contractions: When labor pains begin
During the last few months of pregnancy, you may experience occasional, painless contractions — a sensation that your uterus is tightening and relaxing. These are called Braxton Hicks contractions. They're your body's way of warming up for labor.
As your due date approaches, Braxton Hicks contractions may become stronger or even painful. Eventually, Braxton Hicks contractions will be replaced by the real thing. To tell the difference, ask yourself these questions:
* Are the contractions regular? Time your contractions from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next. Look for a regular pattern of contractions that get stronger and closer together. Contractions that come at least every five minutes are likely to be the real thing. The contractions of false labor will remain irregular.
* How long do they last? Measure the length of each contraction by timing when it begins and when it ends. True contractions last more than 30 seconds at first and get progressively longer — up to 75 seconds — and stronger. With false labor, contractions vary in length and intensity.
* Can you stop the contractions? True contractions continue regardless of your activity level or position. In fact, they often grow stronger with increased activity, such as walking. With false labor, you may be able to stop the contractions by changing your activity or position, lying down or even taking a walk.
* Where do you feel the contractions? The pain of true contractions tends to begin high in the abdomen, radiating throughout the abdomen and lower back. With false labor, the contractions are often concentrated in the lower abdomen.
Expect false alarms
The boundary between your body's preparation for labor and the actual process of labor isn't always clear. Some women have painful contractions for days with no cervical changes. Others feel only a little pressure or a backache as the cervix gradually dilates.
Don't hesitate to call your health care provider if you wonder whether you're in labor. Preterm labor can be especially sneaky. If you have any signs of labor before 36 weeks — especially if they're accompanied by l spotting — see your health care provider for an exam.
At term, labor will nearly always make itself apparent. If you arrive at the hospital in false labor, don't feel embarrassed or frustrated. Think of it as a practice run. The real thing is sure to be on its way!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Oi baby!
You are 284 days pregnant.
You are 9.3 months pregnant.
You are in your 10th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
Your 1st trimester: May 14, 2007 to August 12, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: August 13, 2007 to November 25, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: November 26, 2007 to February 18, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)
You are definitely considered full-term now and you are probably anticipating the arrival of your newborn. The crown-to-rump length of your baby is around 15 inches and your baby is now about 21.5 inches long total. Your baby weighs about 7.5 pounds and your uterus is about 8 inches above the top of your bellybutton.
Your official due date will be sometime this week and you probably have a prenatal check up this week to check for labor progress. Try to stay calm while you are waiting for labor to begin. You should have all of your bags packed and ready to go and your birth plan should be in place. Your labor coach should know what your wishes are and you should be able to get in touch with your labor coach at all times. Use false labor contractions to practice breathing and relaxation techniques that you will use during the actual labor itself.
Your baby continues to move further down the birth canal and this is measured in stations. Station describes the degree to which the presenting part of the baby has descended into the birth canal. The 0 point is a bone landmark in the pelvis, the starting point of the birth canal. If your baby's head is at a -2 station, it means the head is higher inside of you than if your baby were at a +2 station.
After your baby is born, she will be weighed and measured. Your baby may cry loudly or she may be dazed from medications. The doctor will suction your baby's mouth and throat with an aspirator. The nurses will dry her off and place a hat on her head to help keep her warm. Security tags will be placed around her arms and ankles and your baby will be swaddled in a blanket. You will be given the chance to hold your baby right after you have delivered. Shortly after, the nurses generally take the baby to the nursery for a bath and other routine procedures. Your baby will be given Apgar scores according to her condition at 1 and 5 minutes of birth. A total of 10 points can be scored. A score of 10 is unusual and most babies receive scores of 7, 8 or 9. A baby with a low 1-minute score might need to be resuscitated and usually the 5 minute score is much higher after he has time to adjust to life outside of the uterus.