Thursday, November 29, 2007

28 weeks preggo

There are 79 days until your due date on February 17, 2008.
You are 201 days pregnant.
You are 6.6 months pregnant.
You are in your 7th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
Your 1st trimester: May 13, 2007 to August 11, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: August 12, 2007 to November 24, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: November 25, 2007 to February 17, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)

Your baby's crown-to-rump length is approximately 10 inches and the total length of your growing baby is around 15.75 inches. Your baby weighs about 2.4 pounds at this point. Your uterus is a little more than 3 inches above your bellybutton. Your weight gain at this time should be between 17 and 24 pounds.

Blood vessel in the umbilical cord. For several months, the umbilical cord has been the baby's lifeline to the mother. Nourishment is transferred from the mother's blood, through the placenta, and into the umbilical cord to the baby. If the mother ingests any toxic substances, such as drugs or alcohol, the baby receives these as well!

You will probably begin visiting your caregiver once every two weeks. Week 28 is an important week for testing. You will probably be have your glucose tolerance test, an iron level test and if you are Rh negative, you should have an antibody test. The antibody test will determine if you and your baby will have any reactions to each other's blood differences. The glucose test will check for gestational diabetes.

Your baby's brain continues to develop and is now forming the folds and grooves of a fully developed brain. The amount of tissues within the brain also continues to increase in large amounts. The hair that covers your baby's scalp is also getting longer. Your baby is now large enough for presentation to be determined and your doctor might be able to find out if your baby is at risk for being breech. If your baby is breech, don't panic. There is still time for the baby to rotate.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

27 weeks preggo

Dates and numbers:

There are 88 days until your due date on February 17, 2008.
You are 192 days pregnant.
You are 6.3 months pregnant.
You are in your 7th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
Your 1st trimester: May 13, 2007 to August 11, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: August 12, 2007 to November 24, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: November 25, 2007 to February 17, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)

My baby's heart rate: 146 bpm

I went to the Doctor yesterday. It was a quick visit. He asked if I had any questions ar concerns, then listened to my baby's heartbeat. I go back in 2 weeks for a glucose test, then I'm sure I'll go back another two weeks later.

You are now in the third trimester, and last, of your pregnancy! Your baby's crown-to-rump length is about 9.6 inches and your baby's total length is approximately 15.3 inches! Your baby now weighs about 2 pounds 3 ounces and is going to grow rapidly during this last trimester! Your uterus is about 2.8 inches above your bellybutton.

If your baby were born now, it would have an 85% chance of surviving. Even though your baby is still not fully developed, she would be well within the limits of premature viability. You still have approximately 13 weeks left of your pregnancy, and during this time your baby must continue to grow and develop. If your baby was born at this time, she would have several complications that would require special attention. Because babies do not have adequate amounts of fat at this time, your baby would have to be kept inside of an incubator for warmth. Because the air sacs in your baby's lungs do not yet have surfactant, she would require an artificial respirator. Your baby's brain, liver and immune system still need to develop more also.

Make sure you take good care of your teeth. So-called `pregnancy gingivitis` affects most pregnant women to some degree, and generally occurs in the second trimester. If you already have gingivitis, the condition is likely to worsen during pregnancy.

Your baby can develop hiccups ... my baby did!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

26 weeks, 95 days left

There are 95 days until your due date on February 17, 2008.
You are 185 days pregnant.
You are 6.1 months pregnant.
You are in your 7th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
Your 1st trimester: May 13, 2007 to August 11, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: August 12, 2007 to November 24, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: November 25, 2007 to February 17, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)


By this week, your baby's crown-to-rump length is approximately 9.2 inches. Remember, that is only from the top of his head to his bottom and does not include his leg measurements! Your baby weighs almost 2 pounds and is beginning to put on weight. Your uterus is about 2.5 inches above your bellybutton and you will continue to grow approximately 1 cm each week. If you have been eating a well-balanced diet, you probably have gained about 16-22 pounds so far. Because your baby has moved further up, you may get occasional pain underneath your ribs.

After a month of having his eyelids sealed shut, your baby begins to open his eyes again this week. Your baby's eyes are almost completely developed. Your baby's eyes are blue in the womb and may change colors later in life. This is true for all races because the pupils do not have their final color until a few months after birth. However, some babies are born with darker or lighter shades of blue. Your growing baby will continue to put on layers of fat until he is born. He is still lean at this point of the pregnancy though. By the time your baby is born, he will assume the typical newborn's plumpness. Your baby's skin will still be wrinkled and red, but the fat continues to fill the skin out.

Finger and toe nails continue to grow.

Blood vessels start to develop in the lungs to prepare the baby for life outside the uterus.

Your baby's blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord system continues to grow and thicken as blood travels with considerable force through the body to nurture the baby. The placenta is now almost equal in size to the baby.

Even though it is still way too soon for your baby to be born yet, the chance of survival withouth severe abnormalities is now 70% provided it is born in a hospital.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pregnant woman gets punched

Saturday, October 27th

So, I haven't gone out since I've been pregnant because of risk of getting bumped into and whatnot. Not that I'm back in Colorado, I've really wanted to go country dancin' at this bar I used to go to with my mom and sister. It's a no smoking bar and people usually don't get that rowdy, but it isn't a good environment to be in pregnant.

We were able to get tickets to the "Shining Ball" at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park (tourist town just outside of the Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park). It was a big deal! I made the tickets so my husband and I could go, a trade. They were $85 each. People paying that much for a Halloween Party are serious!

For those of you who don't know, The Stanley Hotel is where Stephen King was staying when he got the idea about the book/movie The Shining. The hotel is very old (opened in 1909) and there are a lot of haunted stories about experiences there over the years. In May 2006, investigators with The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) investigated the hotel for the SciFi Channel program Ghost Hunters. TAPS returned to the hotel on October 31st, 2006 for a live, six hour follow-up investigation. The people on the show are plummers who use scientific equipment to debunk/disprove haunted claims. That may be the reason she show isn't more popular, because more often than not, the "hauntings" they investigate are leaky pipes or breezes from cracks in windows or doors. TAPS did catch the closet door open and close on it's own on a night vision camera, and the glass sitting on his nightstand broke and the pieces were inside the cup, not on the table. The Today Show filmed a piece for their Halloween show. Here's a small picture:


Anyway, we were having a good time. We went as a white trash couple. Preston put holes in an old shirt and dirtied himself up, he looked great! I'm 6 months (24 weeks Monday) along, but I'm not showing as much as I'd hoped, so I put a pillow under my shirt, wore slippers, used my make-up to give myself a black eye and wore too much red lipstick. We were both holding cigarettes and I was holding a beer bottle.

This lady came up to me when we were sitting by the fireplace and leaned in a little. I thought she was gonna tell me something. She made a fist and punched my stomach. It really hurt, like, she actually PUNCHED me. I looked at her and said, "I'm really pregnant!" and she didn't believe me. I was like, "No... I'm REALLY pregnant!"

She felt really stupid and apologized over and over, but it really hurt! I played it off in front of people (there were another couple sitting across from us), but when Preston and I went outside, I told him how hard of a hit it was. I thought I'd be fine, but I really didn't know because it IS my first pregnancy. We stayed about 15 minutes more, then decided to go to the ER to make sure.

I got right in (the luxuries of living in a small town) and the nurse put two... what looked like over-sized stethescopes on my belly. She couldn't find the heartbeat for about 30 minutes, but just because my baby wouldn't stop moving. She said that was a good sign. We finally got the heartbeat, between 120 and 190, depending on how much he was moving around. It was neat to be able to hear all the movement :)

Everything was fine and I was able to get out of there in less than two hours. Thank god! It just scared me. Who punches someone? At a party? An adult richie hoity toity party? She looked to be in her early 40's or late 30's. It was so weird. She wasn't even drunk. Some people!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oooh baby !!!!!!!!!

My 23 week old baby: photo taken 12:37:20PM
Wednesday, October 24th, 2007


Baby's heart rate: 160 bpm
Unfortunately, we couldn't determine the sex, we couldn't see :(
The nurse (she was awesome!) said, "During this whole ultrasound, I haven't seen any little boy parts, but I cannot definitely see little girl parts."

Monday, October 22, 2007

23 weeks preggo

There are 117 days until your due date on February 17, 2008.
You are 163 days pregnant.
You are 5.3 months pregnant.
You are in your 6th month of pregnancy.
Your 1st trimester: May 13, 2007 to August 11, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: August 12, 2007 to November 24, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: November 25, 2007 to February 17, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)

This week your baby's length, from crown-to-rump, is approximately 8 inches! Your growing baby has finally reached one pound. Your baby is about the size of a small baby doll and looks very human. The baby's face and body look similar to that of a newborn at this time. Your uterus can be found about 1.5 inches above your navel. Your total weight gain should be approximately 15 pounds at this time.

You might notice some Braxton-Hicks contractions around this time. These contractions are not regular and they should not be painful. Braxton-Hicks contractions prepare your body for the upcoming labor and they will get stronger as your pregnancy progresses. You might be able to feel the contractions if you put your hand on your abdomen and your baby can probably feel the uterus gripping and massaging her. It will not harm your baby, so there is no need for concern.

Fat is still being deposited at a rapid rate, but your baby still looks red and wrinkled. Skin is being produced at a higher rate than the fat is, so the skin hangs loosely. Your baby looks red because the skin is losing its transparency and pigment is beginning to form. You should be feeling your baby moving quite a bit throughout the day as she will kick and punch the uterus walls. Babies also run their hands along the umbilical cord and touch their body parts while they are in the womb. Your baby now can suck her thumb for real, where she was just sticking it in her mouth. Your baby will continue to swallow amniotic fluid and recycle it as urine. The liquids and sugars that the baby retracts from the fluid is a supplement to the nutrients that the placenta delivers. You might be able to feel small `jumps` inside of you when your baby gets the hiccups from swallowing fluid. The pancreas is developing and it will responsible for insulin production, to help break down sugars.

Oily fish in your diet could help boost your baby's health. (Women who eat oily fish while pregnant have children with better visual development, a major study at Bristol University suggests.)

As the baby continues to grow, it has less space to move around in the uterus. Bones, muscles and organs are growing steadily.

Your baby's lungs are in major growth mode this week, with blood vessels expanding and preparing to help her breathe after she's born. Although she's making breathing movements in the womb (so cute!), it's still just practice with amniotic fluid; your baby will get all of her oxygen delivered from the placenta until she's born. But here's why this lung development is so fabulous: If your child should happen to arrive early (though only 2 percent of babies in the U.S. are born before 32 weeks), her odds of surviving are significantly better now that her lungs are up and running. Of course, these and other important organs still have a long way to go to become fully developed, but most experts count weeks 23 and 24 as important, reassuring milestones when it comes to long-term healthy outcomes from preterm labor.

Friday, September 21, 2007

18 weeks and counting...

Thumb-sucking at 18 weeks....

By week 18 of your pregnancy, your baby's crown-to-rump length is 5 to 5.5 inches long. Your baby continues to develop fat layers and weighs about 5.25 ounces. Your baby will continue to grow and develop, but the rapid growth will slow down for a little while. You will be able to feel your uterus just below your bellybutton. If you put your fingers sideways to measure, you can feel your uterus about two finger-widths below your bellybutton. At this point of your pregnancy, your uterus is approximately the size of a cantaloupe. Although weight gain varies from woman to woman, your total weight gain at this point should be 10 to 13 pounds.

At this time if you had an ultrasound, heart abnormalities can be detected. If the ultrasound technician detects abnormalties, further ultrasound exams may be ordered to follow the baby's development. There is still space available in your uterus and your baby will be active for periods at a time. Your baby may sit cross legged or turn somersaults.

Around this time, your baby becomes more sensitive to the outside world and shows her presence through powerful kicks and prods. The bones through which sound is passed to the inner ear have hardened and the part of the brain that receives and processes nerve signals from the ears are developing. This means that your baby can hear now. Your baby will get used to familiar sounds, such as your heart beating, familiar voices, blood rushing through the umbilical cord and other daily routine sounds. Your baby will become startled if he hears a loud sound.

If you have a stethoscope at home, you can now hear the
baby's heartbeat yourself.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

113 days pregnant

Dates and numbers:
There are 167 days until your due date on February 17, 2008.
You are 113 days pregnant.
You are 3.7 months pregnant.
You are in your 4th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
Your 1st trimester: May 13, 2007 to August 11, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: August 12, 2007 to November 24, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: November 25, 2007 to February 17, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)
Saying hello at 16 weeksAt this point of your pregnancy, your baby is approximately 4.3 to 4.6 inches long and weighs 2.8 ounces. Not only is your baby growing, your uterus and placenta continue to grow to accomodate the growing baby inside of you! Just six weeks ago, your uterus weighed about 5 ounces. This week it now weighs 8.75 ounces! The amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby is increasing and there is about 7.5 ounces of fluid. You will easily be able to feel your uterus approximately three inches below your navel.

This is an important week for testing and you will most likely ahve an AFP test done. This is a harmless blood test that is done to detect abnormalities such as Down's syndrome or spina bifida. This is a non-invasive test and it carries no risk to your developing baby. Most doctors will offer the test, but in most cases it is completely optional.

Your milk glands start production at this time and this causes some tenderness and swelling in early pregnancy. Your veins will become more visible because there is an increaed amount of blood flowing to the breasts.

Five and a half inches tall and only six ounces in weight. The child can grasp with his hands, kick, or even somersault.

At this time, your baby is holding her head erect. Because her muscles are developing, she can make some faces now. Your baby is able to squint, frown and open its mouth. There is enough calcium in the bones that they will show up on an x-ray. Your baby's fingernails are well formed now and the legs are longer than the arms. Because your baby is moving well now, you may begin to feel his movements! Some women say that the early movements feel like gas bubbles or a slight flutter. If you have not yet felt the baby move, don't worry. Fetal movements are usually felt between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy.

You may feel your heart beating 'louder'. This is because there is a lot more blood in your body than normal. (about 20-25% more)

Friday, August 31, 2007

15 weeks Preggo

Your baby's crown-to-rump length is approximately 4 inches and she now weighs approximately 1.75 ounces. Your baby is close to the size of a softball and you can easily tell that you are pregnant now! If you wear maternity clothes or a swimming suit, other people will be able to tell that you are pregnant also. You can probably feel your uterus about three to four inches below your bellybutton.

Your baby, 25 weeks to go.....

If you do not yet have a due date, your doctor can easily determine an accurate due date based on the measurement of your baby's head. This is done by an ultrasound examination. Your doctor will be discussing upcoming tests and procedures with you around this time that are able to diagnose or confirm birth defects and other abnormalities.

Your baby is growing at an amazing rate and looking more like a human every day. Because your baby's skin is so thin, you are able to see blood vessels through the skin. Lanugo hair covers your baby's body, but it will be gone when your baby is born. The hair on the eyebrows and head continues to grow. Some babies are born with little or no hair and others have a head full of hair! If you have an ultrasound at this point, you might be able to see your baby sucking its thumb. Even though the eyes continue to move to the front of the face, they are still widely separated. Your baby's ears look like normal ears and continue to develop externally. The bones that have already formed continue to get harder and retain calcium. The baby is very mobile and flexible at this point. She can bend her arms at the elbows and wrists and she can also make a fist with her hands.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

12 weeks pregnant

Your baby's crown-to-rump length is almost 2.5 inches and she now weighs between 8 and 14 grams! In just three weeks, your baby's size has more than doubled and begins to look alot more human. Even though you won't be able to feel your baby moving at this time, you can stimulate him and he will squint, open his mouth and move his fingers or toes.

By the end of this week, your uterus is too large to remain completely in your pelvis. You might be able to feel your uterus above your pubic bone. The uterus will continue to grow throughout your pregnancy and will return to its usual size within a few weeks after delivery. Before pregnancy, the uterus is almost solid and holds less than 0.3 ounces. During pregnancy, your uterus will become a thin-walled, muscular container that will hold the fetus, amniotic fluid and placenta. Before pregnancy, the uterus weighs approximately 2.5 ounces and when your baby is born, it will weigh almost 40 ounces!

Because most of the structures are already formed at this point, few will be formed after this time. The structures will continue to grow and develop throughout the remainder of your pregnancy. Your baby's skeletal system now has centers if bone formation in most of the bones. The digestive system is capable of making contractions that push food through the bowels and it is also able to absorb sugar. The pituitary gland beginning to make hormones. You will probably be able to hear your baby's heartbeat with a doppler at this time!

This week may be the first week that you begin to feel better! Morning sickness often tends to improve or diminsih at this time. You may begin to show slightly, especially if this is not your first pregnancy. You will feel more comfortable in loose clothing, such as maternity clothes. In addition to your tummy getting larger your breasts, hips, legs and sides may be getting bigger also.

Your baby develops reflexes and the skin is very sensitive.
The brain is fully formed, and the child can feel pain. the baby may even suck his thumb. The eyelids now cover the eyes, and will remain shut until the seventh month to protect the delicate optical nerve fibers.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Wow, I'm sitting here on a big comphy chair w/ an automan. I have a pillow on my outstretched legs and the laptop on the pillow.

Out of nowhere my knee had a sharp pain, mostly in the back... then it went up my leg to my butt. The pain didn't stop for about 7-8 seconds.

When I was ounger, I used to twist my knee in such a way that I couldn't exend it, my leg was stuck bent. It hurt so bad, but I didn't want to try to travel all the way to the ER, so I'd just force my leg straight real quick... then it'dbe fine.

Anyone else have this problem, or know someone who did?

Anyone know what it is and/or how to prevent it?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

9 weeks pregnant

9 weeks pregnant (baby is 7 weeks old)
Your baby now is about the size of a medium green olive. The crow-to-rump length is 22 to 30 mm and the baby weighs 0.12 ounces. Although your body shape will not yet reveal that you are pregnant, your doctor would be able to notice an enlarged uterus. The hCG hormone is at its peak and you might notice more changes. Your skin may become smoother and a bit plumper, but you might also get an outbreak of pimples. Your hair may become less oily, or more. You might also notice some vaginal discharge, which is usually not a cause for concern.

Although the baby is still very small, it is beginning to look more like a human being. Your baby's back is straightening out and the tail is shrinking. In proportion to the rest of his body, the head is large and remains curved forwards onto the chest. The head is erect and the neck is developing well. Even though your baby's eyes are well developed, they are covered by a membrane lid. The eyes will not begin to open and close for quite some time still. Your baby will begin to make tiny movements as the muscles start to develop. You will not be able to feel any of these early movements, but you might be able to see them during an ultrasound. The arms and hands are progressing faster than the legs and feet at this point. By this time of your baby's development, the hands have defined finger ridges and the tissue between them will die off to leave separate fingers. It is impossible to distinguish a male from a female at this time because external genitalia look very similar at this point.

Your blood system will change during pregnancy and blood volume will increase by 50%. The increase in blood is important to meet the demands of your gowing uterus. Blood volumes will begin to increase during the first trimester and will continue to rise throughout the entire pregnancy. The increase in plasma can cause anemia, which will cause you to feel tired or weak.
In week 9 (7 weeks after conception) the fingers are clearly visible.

Click on the calendars to see the week-by-week pregnancy info for that day/week

10 weeks pregnant (baby is 8 weeks old)
At this point of your pregnancy, the crown-to-rump length of your developing baby is 1.25 to 1.68 inches. It is now easier to tell how much the baby weighs since he is beginning to put on some weight. Your baby weighs approximately 5 grams and is the size of a small plum! The baby has grown an incredible amount during these past few weeks, but you still aren't showing too much yet.

..> ..>..>
This week is somewhat of a landmark for your developing baby. By now, your baby's complete body plan is laid down. Your baby will continue to develop and grow for the remainder of the pregnancy. The fingers and toes have separated and the tail has dissappeared now. Your baby has taste and tooth buds at this point, which will continue to develop. The brain will continue to grow at an amazing rate and nearly a quarter of a million new neurons are produced every minute! The embryonic heart is completely developed. External genitalia are not apparent until next week, but a male's testes will already be producing testoterone.

Because you have high hormone levels at this time, you may notice an abundance of emotional and physical effects. Most pregnant women find themselves getting distressed easily and have frequent mood swings. Common physical changes include the beginning of real weight gain, potential softening of the gums and slightly swollen thyroid glands. Common emotional changes include feelings of unattractiveness, feelings of inadequacy and concerns about what the future holds. Some women are not excited about their pregnancy at first and question the condition. It is not uncommon to get upset easily, cry at the slightest things, feel moody or drift on daydreams.

You may have gained a little weight already. Average weight gain during pregnancy is about 28lbs(13kgs), but most of that is gained in the second and third trimester.