So, I haven't gone out since I've been pregnant because of risk of getting bumped into and whatnot. Not that I'm back in Colorado, I've really wanted to go country dancin' at this bar I used to go to with my mom and sister. It's a no smoking bar and people usually don't get that rowdy, but it isn't a good environment to be in pregnant.
We were able to get tickets to the "Shining Ball" at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park (tourist town just outside of the Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park). It was a big deal! I made the tickets so my husband and I could go, a trade. They were $85 each. People paying that much for a Halloween Party are serious!
For those of you who don't know, The Stanley Hotel is where Stephen King was staying when he got the idea about the book/movie The Shining. The hotel is very old (opened in 1909) and there are a lot of haunted stories about experiences there over the years. In May 2006, investigators with The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) investigated the hotel for the SciFi Channel program Ghost Hunters. TAPS returned to the hotel on October 31st, 2006 for a live, six hour follow-up investigation. The people on the show are plummers who use scientific equipment to debunk/disprove haunted claims. That may be the reason she show isn't more popular, because more often than not, the "hauntings" they investigate are leaky pipes or breezes from cracks in windows or doors. TAPS did catch the closet door open and close on it's own on a night vision camera, and the glass sitting on his nightstand broke and the pieces were inside the cup, not on the table. The Today Show filmed a piece for their Halloween show. Here's a small picture:
Anyway, we were having a good time. We went as a white trash couple. Preston put holes in an old shirt and dirtied himself up, he looked great! I'm 6 months (24 weeks Monday) along, but I'm not showing as much as I'd hoped, so I put a pillow under my shirt, wore slippers, used my make-up to give myself a black eye and wore too much red lipstick. We were both holding cigarettes and I was holding a beer bottle.
This lady came up to me when we were sitting by the fireplace and leaned in a little. I thought she was gonna tell me something. She made a fist and punched my stomach. It really hurt, like, she actually PUNCHED me. I looked at her and said, "I'm really pregnant!" and she didn't believe me. I was like, "No... I'm REALLY pregnant!"
She felt really stupid and apologized over and over, but it really hurt! I played it off in front of people (there were another couple sitting across from us), but when Preston and I went outside, I told him how hard of a hit it was. I thought I'd be fine, but I really didn't know because it IS my first pregnancy. We stayed about 15 minutes more, then decided to go to the ER to make sure.
I got right in (the luxuries of living in a small town) and the nurse put two... what looked like over-sized stethescopes on my belly. She couldn't find the heartbeat for about 30 minutes, but just because my baby wouldn't stop moving. She said that was a good sign. We finally got the heartbeat, between 120 and 190, depending on how much he was moving around. It was neat to be able to hear all the movement :)
Everything was fine and I was able to get out of there in less than two hours. Thank god! It just scared me. Who punches someone? At a party? An adult richie hoity toity party? She looked to be in her early 40's or late 30's. It was so weird. She wasn't even drunk. Some people!
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